Friendship Primitive Baptist Church
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church
Sharing God's Love And Striving To Be A Light Of Love And Unity
Sharing God's Love And Striving To Be A Light Of Love And Unity

Health & Wellness Ministry
"We must keep our bodies healthy to be a living vessel for God and we must also keep our minds free from stress and worry, while remaining spiritually well in order to stay focus on our spirit to stay focus on God's will for our lives"
Mission Statement
To be a place of resource that provides guidance and services for the spiritual, mental and physical health and wellness for the entire body. The Health & Wellness Ministry is charged with the development of a healing, serving and teaching ministry which draws from the congregational community educating them on how to live a healthy and well lifestyle.
Our goal is for Friendship Health & Wellness Ministry to become an actual place where the congregation and the surrounding communities can come to receive medical treatment, services, resources and training.
The Health & Wellness Ministry is lead by Evangelist Renee Gasden.
Meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10 AM.
Theme: Jesus was going over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.
~Matthew 4:23