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Rev. Dr. E. L. Franklin

Senior Pastor

Pastor, Teacher, Businessman, Disciplinarian Family-man, Leader, Peacekeeper and Friend are very familiar words that often come to mind when referring to Pastor Eddie L. Franklin, Sr..

Pastor Franklin joined The Friendship Primitive Baptist Church in April 2012, after accepting a Divine call and the Heart-felt welcome of the Friendship Family!

A native Floridian, Pastor Franklin was born and raised in the Metropolis of Sopchoppy, Florida. The seventh of ten children born to the late George and Arata Franklin, he expresses with simultaneous sincerity and laughter, memories of the breakfast table. “I learned at a young age what it means to have plenty, be in want, and the importance of being on time!” He further expresses his emphasis on family structure and the “Importance of rearing a child while young. When asked about the challenges that individuals face today he simply states, “It’s all about order”. “From Genesis to Revelation, God created order in the church, our homes, and day-to-day lives”. “When order is lost, or gained for that matter, the entire system reaps the benefit!” 

An entrepreneur and scholar, he devotes a lot of time to ensuring today’s youth and young adults are properly educated and prepared for the world. After graduating from Wakulla High School, he sent his wife Faye T. Franklin to College, while managing his own rental properties and working a full time job. He later completed vocational licensure at Tallahassee Community College and further pursued Undergraduate Studies at Smith Bible College and Florida A&M University. Pastor Franklin received his Doctorate degree in Theology from B.C. Graham Theological Seminary.  Pastor Franklin has managed his local construction and consulting company, where he has physically built and remodeled homes, buildings, communities and churches from the ground up.

Pastor Franklin’s emphasis on education is reflected in his home. He and First Lady Faye are the proud parents of three children who, in obedience, have allowed their education and talents to be both a blessing to themselves, their family, and their community: Eddie L. Franklin Jr. (wife Ashlei, daughter Madison, and son Eddie III); Krystal A. Franklin, MD; and Allana G. Franklin.

First Lady Faye states, “His calling was evident long before accepted.” “He was often seen as a pastor”, she stated. “At our kids sports events, church activities, and family gatherings, he was the one saying the prayer, and ensuring order.” “He’s always had this Christ-like persona about him that I found adorable.” Pastor Franklin and First Lady often counsel couples, families, and individuals as a team. “The two ‘High school Sweethearts’, will be celebrating their 46th Wedding Anniversary on June 12th.

Pastor Franklin was baptized as a young boy and became a member of the family church, Mount Trial Primitive Baptist Church in Sopchoppy, Florida. He became the Chairman Deacon in his early twenties, while First Lady served as Chairman of the Mothers. Both served these positions side-by-side for nearly twenty years. Pastor Franklin began ministerial training in 2001 and was ordained in 2003, after which, serving as Youth Pastor. In 2008, he was installed as Senior Pastor of St. Nora P.B. Church in Sopchoppy. In 2012, he was installed Pastor of The Friendship Primitive Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida.

Along with his love for the church, Pastor Franklin has found joy in appreciating the treasures of life. He often hosts family gatherings, has been actively involved in his children’s sports teams, and loves the outdoors. Siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors and friends alike find him to be “A genuine friend”.

God has given Pastor Franklin a wonderful vision for the future of The Friendship Church. As a dynamic and spirit-filled Pastor, Leader, and Teacher, he focuses on meeting individuals at their level of understanding in the effort to fulfill God’s will in their lives. Furthermore, he practices bible-based teaching facilitated by persistent personal bible study and learning. He has set in place programs that facilitate growth in the community via outreach ministries geared to reach every member of the family in every aspect of life. His motto is, “No soul left behind!” Pastor Franklin is very excited about what God is doing at Friendship, and looks forward to using his talents and the Friendship Church Family to Share God’s Love to all.


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