Friendship Primitive Baptist Church
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church
Sharing God's Love And Striving To Be A Light Of Love And Unity
Sharing God's Love And Striving To Be A Light Of Love And Unity
Sister to Sister Ministry
This group of women consists of the females within our church. The ultimate goal is to establish a strong bond among each other. The ministry will help members develop a strong and positive network which will further enhance their Christian growth. There are a lot of things women are expected to know and do. This group (especially the older women) should find these avenues and be willing to steer the younger ladies in the right direction. We are dedicated to implementing ways to teach women Christian values and serve as mentors, by making suggestions, conducting open forums, or whatever means necessary to bring more women to Christ and increase awareness. We simply exemplify bible-based teachings, leading by example in giving, helping the sick, attending to the needs of widows, orphans, shut-in, and all who may be in need.
Mother Sallie Burk
Mother Marie Branton
Mother Bernice Holliday
Mother Malinda Harris
Mother Doris Farmer
Mother Luetta Thompson
Mother Annie Kilpatrick
Mother Brenda Gay
Prophetess Tawana Burk-Smith
Sister Ferronda Burke
Sister Geraldine Carter
Sister Anna J. Williams
Sister Rose Burney
Sister Rose Sutton
Sister Wendy Farmer